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Group A is on our way.Beautiful blue skies and bright sun will help us up the mountain. Some of the students seem a bit nervous, but our guides are leading us at a very pace comfortable. Good MorningAll the students were extremely well behaved through the night as they all slept quietly. After the light showers yesterday, we have some perfect conditions for hike. Today is the main event, the climb up Mt Daisen which peak is at 1729m. https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e8150.html Along with 10 teachers, 2 veteran photographers, and 3 nurse, we also have the expert guidance of 3 local guides to take us up Mt Daisen. They will be setting the perfect pace to get us all to the top safely. Wish us luck. Reflecting on the DayDinner and a MovieClasses 3 and 4 ate outdoors as all of three teachers barbecued vegetables and meats for the extremely hungry students. Ms Sai had shown her barbecue skills in full as she had the hottest fire and fed the most people. We need to hear what her secret is. After dinner, we watched and informative video on Mt Daisen as well as heard about the does and don’t about hiking. Attached are a few photos of dinner. The Hotel Daisen ShiroganeOur excellent drivers as well as the teachers perfectly executed plan has got us to our destination - The Hotel Daisen Shirogane. https://hotel-daisen.jp/ After our hotel entrance ceremony, we will check into our rooms, take an early bath, and have dinner. AlohaThis is the last break before he arrive at the Hotel Daisen. She sells sea shells by the seashore鳥取砂丘「波打ち際」Sanin Kaigan National Parkof the Sanin Kaigan National Park. https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e8102.html After sitting for a few hours and a hearty lunch, many students are eager to run around and enjoy the sand dunes firsthand. As this is a national park, the children cannot draw in the sand! They cannot draw pictures in the sand or make sandcastles! Japan is so strict, but the national parts are so beautiful. On the liftswhile the other half seemed to be extremely frightened. But, once they sat and enjoyed the relaxing views, I think everyone enjoyed the experience. Different but the samewith us, not only providing our meals 20 minutes earlier than scheduled, they have provided different meals for dietary needs. Can you figure out which is which? Lunch at the Sand Dune CenterAfter our fantastic bus drivers safely delivered us to Tottori, we are finally having lunch at the Sand Dune Center. Many of the students are enjoying Beef Bowls. Those of us with other dietary requirements are having special meals. 砂丘センター https://goo.gl/maps/haweqrUc2Q17SSRaA The Tottori Sand Dunes
We have arrived 20 minutes early to the Tottori
Sand Dunes. This is due to the bus drivers great driving as well as the children returning to the bus at a timely manner. You can see what is happening via the live camera feed at the link below. http://www.kirinnomachi.jp/tottorisanddunes-cam... After lunch, you will be able to see Ikesho students on the feed. Awakura LandWe are now off of the expressway and now at Awakurando Roadside Station. There is light rain but not enough for us to use our umbrellas. The children have been so well behaved, we are all so proud of each nd every student. https://g.co/kgs/ZdYHPw The students seem quite hungry, fortunately, lunch is just scheduled for our next stop. The bus rideKasai Service Areahttps://goo.gl/maps/mVrhNi4T8LMDLw4q6 After a short break, we will once again on the road again. Scenes from the morning ceremonyGood MorningThank you so much for the very warm send off. We are now on our way to Tottori. My name is Ryota Amoh(an English teacher at Ikeda Elementary School) and I will be updating you with photos and brief summaries for the next three days. Please take a look at the website throughout these three days as I will be sending new information when I have a free minute or two. Please stay tuned in. 修学旅行16定刻の発車、ただいま新幹線の中です。貸切でないため、それぞれが気をつけながら、会話を楽しんだり、ゆっくりしたりしています。 2時間弱で新大阪に着きます。 修学旅行15ウォークラリーのポイントのひとつ 口羽家です。 江戸城の桜田門 表門だった門が 毛利氏に譲られ 毛利氏から口羽氏に譲られた門です。 表門と母屋が残っていると言うのが希少で重要文化財に認定されています。 夜中、門が閉まっている時刻に訪ねてきた人はここの板を叩いて主に知らせました。 その戸叩きをさせていただけるというので、何人もの児童が戸叩きを体験していました。 座敷から庭を隔てて橋本川や対岸の玉江の風景が眺められ、実に風光明媚です。 |
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