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A message from Kono Kiyomi

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I am closing these updates with a message of peace from Pope John Paul II, in 1981.

War is the work of man.
War is destruction of human life.
War is death.
To remember the past is to commit oneself to the future.
To remember Hiroshima is to abhor nuclear war.
To remember Hiroshima is to commit oneself to peace.

10:30 a.m., 25 February 1981

Thank You

Thank you all for coming to receive us the heavy rain. That Rainbow Bridge the parents and teachers provided for us was amazing.
All of the children were so happy to have come home to be greeted with warm smiles.
Rest well and we look forward to seeing tomorrow. Please have your child arrive at 10:30. It will be a light day with the teachers checking the physical conditions of the students, reflecting on the trip, and looking at photos. After that, we will have lunch and you will be dismissed at 1:30. See you tomorrow.

Thank you Mr Minamoto

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Mr Minamoto, from Omura Photography Studio, is the photographer for many schools in Ikeda and goes on Sea Side Swimming Camps, Outdoor Education Camps, and 6th Grade School Trips several times a year. The has been doing this for over 45 years. His knowledge of the routes and activities make him a priceless asset to the city of Ikeda. He would take photographs of the students, but then suddenly appear a hundred meters ahead of us! I have no idea how he’s everywhere. We relied on him not only for world class photographs, but for advice and help with everything for the last 3 days. Thank you so much Photographer Minamoto.

Back in Osaka

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We have arrived at Shin Osaka with a squall to greet us. We are a little wet but we on buses heading to Ikeda ES. All of the students are very much looking forward to seeing their families and sharing their stories of the school trip.

On the Shinkansen

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We are now on the Nozomi heading back to Osaka. Everyone seems to very tired and missing home. The students seem so much quieter on the Shinkansen than just 3 days ago. I’m sure all of the students are looking forward to a home cooked meal and a warm bath in their homes.

Bus to Shin Yamaguchi

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We are on our way to Shin Yamaguchi to catch out Shinkansen back to Osaka.
Our 4 wonderful bus drivers of 3 days will send us off at Shin Yamaguchi after an hour bus ride from Hagi.
We want to take this time to thank our fabulous bus drivers for driving us hundreds of kilometers and delivering us safely to our various destinations from Hiroshima to Akiyoshidai to Hagi and finally Shin Yamaguchi.
Thank you for driving us safely, speedily, and comfortably.

Hagi Cups!

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During lunch, the baked Hagi cups were brought into the dining room. The students were all so eager get their cups back. Some students had a hard time finding their cups as they look a bit different after the art has been baked in. But, all of the cups look wonderful and the children seem to be proud of their creations.

Udon Lunch!

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We are currently having our last meal of this trip after nearly two hours of exploring this beautiful town. I’m sure everyone has quite the appetite.

萩 グループ散策

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 グループ散策では、地図を頼りに、菊屋家住宅、口羽家住宅などの歴史あふれる建物を見学しました。 口羽家では係の方からの説明を聞けたグループもあり、大変勉強になりました。

The Last Group

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All but one group has checked in,
They are patiently listening to the history of the Kuchiba Family Residence.
The group that tries to listen to the guides, read the historical signs will take the longest.
It’s so nice to find such a serious group,

Hagi Historical Town

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The students are now exploring the town of Hagi in their groups. They will visit historical landmarks and enjoy the beauty of the extremely well preserved town of Hagi. Hagi is also known for their citrus fruit and the students have been looking forward to a nice refreshing orange soft cream.

The Great Teacher

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As we walk around the shrine, all the teachers could explained several memorials with ease and grace - not reading but paraphrasing so the memorials can be understandable. The teachers do so much work before and during the trip to be able to teach the students in a safe and entertaining way. Thank you for your hard work!

Shoin Shrine

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Our first stop for the day is Shoin Shrine (松陰神社, Shōin Jinja) which enshrines Yoshida Shoin, an important figure from Hagi who inspired revolutionary ideas during the twilight years of Japan's feudal age (mid 1800s). Shoin advocated learning from the west and the restoration of power to the emperor, thereby openly challenging the ruling shogunate. Although Shoin did not live to see the Meiji Restoration (1868), many of his students were pioneers of the creation of modern Japan, and Shoin is regarded by many as a patriot who sacrificed himself for the good of his country. 
His school that he made permitted everyone to attend unlike the Merinkan which only permitted the aristocracy.  Dozens of historical figures have graced his school including, the first prime minister of Nippon, Ito Hirobumi.

Thank you Hagi Kanko Hotel

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Last night we stayed at the hill top Hagi Kanko Hotel. It’s a modern hotel with beautiful views of the surrounding sea and mountains. They provided beautiful rooms, delicious meals, and special meals for several students and teachers with dietary restrictions. They also have a bath that for only Ikesho students use.
Although we are paying customers, we need to have an attitude of gratitude. It’s easy to forget that the staff are working by 5 AM to prepare breakfast, clean our rooms, clean our rooms, and clean the entire hotel.
Thank you Hagi Kanko Hotel.


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Shop until you Drop!

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After dinner and a bath, the students had another chance to shop in the hotel’s gift shop. Here are just a few photos of them buying gifts for their families.

Before Lights Out

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Another action packed day!
After dinner and a bath, the students are writing reflections on the day. After that, they playing cards, or talking in groups. Here are some photos of the students before the lights are turned out.
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お知らせ Information





小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

たんぽぽだより Tanpopo Newsletter

公開授業研究会 Open School Research Group

