
What goes up

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Our way down from Mt Daisen was less rigorous, but still tough as everyone was tired, the path was wet, and difficult to navigate. Several students had slips on the way down. Fortunately, nobody got any serious injuries. We took the scenic way back and we’re fortunate to see much of the landscape which was hidden to us from the clouds as we climbed. Most importantly, everyone arrived safe and sound.

Through rain, wind, and the cold

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We are having lunch at the summit. After a pretty hard climb in cold, damp, weather with very strong gusts of wind. We finally reached the summit just before noon. There were points in which many students wanted to give up, but everyone made it to the top safely.
Just when we reached the top, we were greeted by a sunny summit! The warm sun, an incredible view, and a delicious lunch had put a smile on everyone.

Good Morning

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Good morning. This morning we were greeted with some light showers which should lead to cloudy cool day. Today is the main event, the climb up Mt Daisen which peak is at 1729m.
Wish us luck!

Dinner and a Movie

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Tonight’s meal was a lovely Sukiyaki for half the students, and a BBQ outdoors for the other half.
Afterwards, we watched a short film about Mt Daisen and heard a lecture on safety for our 3 hour journey tomorrow morning. Now, everyone is preparing their bags for the hike and lights out at 9PM.

Head Hanchos

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After settling in, it was time to get to work.
We had meetings for the Head Hanchos. They were given the schedule for tomorrow and key points for the next day to pass on to their groups.
The Hotel Rules groups learned the rules of the hotel.
The students were working so hard.

We arrived safely

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His morning it was raining at the base of Mt Daisen, we were greeted with a lovely blue sky and a clear view of the mountain. It is a brisk 13 degrees and everyone seems excited to have finally arrived. We hope the nice weather continues for tomorrow’s accent.
Now it’s bath time!

The Tottori Sand Dunes

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We are now at the Sand Dunes which are part of the Sanin Kaigan National Park.
After sitting for a few hours and a hearty lunch, many students are eager to run around and enjoy the sand dunes firsthand. As this is a national park, the children cannot draw in the sand! Of course, we cannot even think of making a sandcastle! Rules are rules.

Tottori Sand Dune Center

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After our fantastic bus drivers safely delivered us to Tottori, we are finally having lunch at the Sand Dune Center.

The students love curry and rice

Awakurando Photos

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Awakura Land?

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Awakura Land?
We are now off of the expressway and now at Awakurando Roadside Station. There are many local farms selling their delicious looking fruits and vegetables.
After this stop, our next stop will be lunch.


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Good morning!
Thank you so much for the very warm send off.
We are now on our way to Tottori?

My name is Ryota Amoh(the English teacher at Ikeda Elementary School) and I will be updating you with photos and brief summaries for the next three days. Please take a look at the website throughout these three days as I will be sending new information when I have a free minute or two.
Please stay tuned in.


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令和2年度 公開授業研究会 ご案内




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The last bus

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We just got on our last buses for day. If the roads are not too crowded, we
should get back to school in about 30 minutes. See you soon.

Good Morning

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Thank you all for coming to so early this morning to give us a very warm
send off.
After a short bus ride and waiting for our train, we are currently on the
Shinkansen heading toward Hiroshima.
My name is Ryota Amoh and I will be updating you for the next three days
during this trip. Please continue to check the website for daily updates.



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After a short bus ride from the Shinkansen station, we are now in the
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
We offered 1000 paper cranes and sang a song as a prayer for peace.


After, we heard a lecture from an Atomic Bomb survivor, Ms Tamiko
Shiraishi. It has been 75 years since the bombing of Hiroshima so there
are fewer and fewer survivors so this is an extraordinary experience for
all the students.

At the museum, there were many powerful displays and exhibits explaining
the immediate and long term affects of the atomic bomb. The hand drawn
pictures of from the survivors were shocking and heartbreaking.



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After a long day in Hiroshima, we were off to Yamaguchi.
We could only enjoy the views of the prefecture from the bus and tomorrow
will be our first opportunity to explore.
The following are photos of our hotel arrival ceremony and our gorgeous
dinner in the grand dinning hall. Afterwards, the children and adults
enjoyed the hotels soothing hot springs.


Good cloudy morning

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This morning we were expecting a rain day outdoors, but we’re pleasantly
greeted with morning showers. So, we might have escaped a full day of rain
today. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
All the students were extremely well behaved last night as everyone was
tired from a full day in Hiroshima. This morning, we had a lovely
breakfast, gave our thanks for a great stay.
Now, we are heading to the limestone caves of Akiyoshidai.

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2/22 図工展?

お知らせ Information



小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

給食だよりLunch Newsletter
