

Our first Break

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We are now at sector 3.
Everyone is doing fine and the weather is perfect. From here, we have been told that we have only 700 meters to climb and it will take approximately one hour.

Half Way Up

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We are now starting sector 5. Students are starting to tire, but these short breaks are giving the students a chance to recover and restart.


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We are picking up one stone and taking it up to the summit. These little stones will help rebuild the hiking paths.

Going Up

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We have started our climb at 750 meters.
Beautiful blue skies and bright sun will help us up the mountain. Some of the students seem a bit nervous, but our guides are leading us at a very pace comfortable.

Good Morning

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Good morning. After the light showers yesterday, we have some perfect conditions for hike. Today is the main event, the climb up Mt Daisen which peak is at 1729m.
We woke up at 6, cleaned our rooms, got our daily temperature check, and now we are breakfast in our rooms.
Then, along with 10 teachers, 2 veteran photographers, and a nurse, we also have the expert guidance of 7 local guides to take us up Mt Daisen. They will be setting the perfect pace to get us all to the top safely. Wish us luck.

Lights Out

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Lights out at 9 PM as we are getting up at 6AM with the first group starting their accent at 7:20 AM. Everyone will need to be well rested for the big climb.
We were expecting some students to stay awake and talk the night away, but just an hour after lights out, the entire hotel is as quiet as a mouse.
This will be my last update for the day, goodnight.

Climbing Mt Daisen

When arriving in the Daisen area, there was light rain all night making the outdoor BBQ a bit of a challenge.
Tomorrow we will have the perfect conditions for a hike with weather with cloudy skies with a low of 18 and a high if 23. The top of the mountain it will be a brisk 12 degrees. Hopefully, we will have more good fortunes with clear skies at the top.


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Good evening! We are had enjoyed a lovely with half of the classes enjoying a BBQ dinner and the other half enjoying a meal in the cafeteria. The teachers worked so hard for hours barbecuing for the students. It wasn’t until all the student were fed and full that the teachers had a chance to eat. These are a few photos of the teachers BBQing the night away.

We arrived

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After a half day on the road, we have reached our final destination. We have arrive at the Daisen Shirogane Hotel. We were treated with light showers and warm smiles. We had a welcoming ceremony and we have checked int our rooms and are going to get washed up before dinner.

Final Break

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?Good afternoon, after a lovely lunch and running around the Tottori Sand Dunes, we had a very quiet bus ride as most of the children were sleeping in the bus This is our last break before we reach the hotel.
道の駅 琴の浦

The Tottori Sand Dunes - Sanin Kaigan National Park.

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We are now at the Sand Dunes which are part of the Sanin Kaigan National Park.
After sitting for a few hours and a hearty lunch, many students are eager to run around and enjoy the sand dunes firsthand. As this is a national park, the children cannot draw in the sand! They cannot draw pictures in the sand or make sandcastles! Japan is so strict, but maybe it is part of the reason that the national parts are so beautiful. .

Different Lunches

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We have a secular lunch, a Muslim/Hindi lunch, Vegetarian lunch.
Can you guess which one is which?

Tottori Sand Dune Center

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After our fantastic bus drivers safely delivered us to Tottori, we are finally having lunch at the Sand Dune Center. Many of the students are enjoying Beef Bowls. Those of us with other dietary requirements are having special meals.

Awakura Land

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Awakura Land
We are now off of the expressway and now at Awakurando Roadside Station. There are many local farms selling their delicious looking fruits and vegetables. After a long Emergency Declaration issued bye the government, many families have not been road trips these past few years. As a résult, a few students are suffering from motion sickness. But, the hourly breaks are making things as comfortable as possible for the children.
After this stop, our next stop will be lunch in Tottori.

Kasai Service Area

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After a pleasant hour on the bus, we are now at Kasai Service Area off of the Chugoku Expressway. The children seem so excited as they are speaking non stop. But it’s very good that they are in good spirits and nobody is suffering from motions sickness...yet.
After a short break, we will once again on the road to Tottori.

The Outdoor Education Camp

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Good morning!
Thank you so much for the very warm send off.
We are now on our way to Tottori.
My name is Ryota Amoh(an English teacher at Ikeda Elementary School) and I will be updating you with photos and brief summaries for the next three days. Please take a look at the website throughout these three days as I will be sending new information when I have a free minute or two.
Please stay tuned in.


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4年生 遠足

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文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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10/19 不審者対応訓練
10/20 委員会活動
10/21 児童集会

お知らせ Information



小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter


公開授業研究会 Open School Research Group
