

Bath Time

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One of the great things Japanese people love about staying at hotels are
the giant baths. Children too enjoy bathing in a huge bath. Today, the
students are treated to 30 minutes of bath Time per class. One bonus for us
is that the hotel has kept two baths for only Ikesho students. I think this
is a win win situation for our school and the hotel.


Dinner at the Hagi Hotel.

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The Hagi Hotel was just a short walk from Myojin Park. They prepared a
lovely dinner for all of in one large room. The meal was great! Already
looking forward to breakfast.



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One Last Thing - Myojin Pond

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This park is next to our accommodations.
We come here to enjoy the beautiful nature as well as feeding the carp and
kites before checking into our hotel.



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Meirin Gakusha

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Hagi Meirin Gakusha, a beautifully preserved architectural specimen that is
Japan’s largest wooden schoolhouse building. Built on the site of the
former Hagi Domain School, the main structure now serves as a museum and
tourist center dedicated to showcasing Hagi’s rich cultural heritage.


Some Finished Cups

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Teachers designing cups

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Principal Saito’s caligraphy is amazing as are Ms Inatsuka’s flowers

Works 3

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Works 2

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Some Works

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Hagi Pottery

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We had a chance to view people using traditional methods to make pottery
and bake pottery. This is a wood heated rising oven that goes up to 1200
degrees. We also watched craftsmen make Hagi ware.


Hagi Town

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We are currently on the road heading to Hagi, Yamaguchi. Hagi known for its
castle its samurai era houses. Hagi is also famous for its Hagiyaki pottery
which rank as some of Japan’s finest. Here we will have the opportunity to
design our own tea cups.


Lunch Time!

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After exploring the largest cave in the country, everyone is hungry for a
nice lunch. At Yasutimiya we having Kawara Noodles - noodles on roof tiles.
They are not actually on roof tiles, but it is a famous dish of Yamaguchi
prefecture. It is said that a cooking on roof tiles is based on a story of
soldiers cooking with wild herbs using roof tiles.
Here we are having noodles cooked at our tables resulting in crispy
Bon Appetite,


Akiyoshi Caves

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We then dove into the rolling hills and explored the caves of Akiyoshi. The
running river, the cool damp air, the beauty that nature created over the
millennia was beautiful. Nature is the most wonderful artist.

These stalactites take millennia to create. For just one centimeter to
form, takes 50 years water dripping.



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We are now at Akiyoshidai. We did a short hike to Mt Wakatake to enjoy a
lovely outdoor view of the area. Not many places in Osaka have a 360˚ view
of the landscape; it is so beautiful.


Good Morning!

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Good morning! I hope everyone is having a great day. Last night the
students were extremely well behaved and were well asleep by around ten. We
are now having a hearty breakfast before start our adventures in


Bath Time

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After dinner, the students will go shopping at the souvenir shop or enjoy a
bath. We are hoping the students will go to sleep early tonight after a
very long day. We will keep our fingers crossed.



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After a long day in Hiroshima, we arrived in our hotel in Yamaguchi. We
could only enjoy the views of the prefecture from the bus and tomorrow will
be our first opportunity to explore.

When we arrived at the hotel, we had some light rain (I’m so sorry, it’s my
fault) so arrival ceremony was a small one with only the class
representatives participating.



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We are currently at the end of our trip in Hiroshima. We just offered 1000
paper cranes and sang a song as a prayer for peace.


After this, we will be back on our buses and headed toward Yamaguchi.

文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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26 27 28 29 30 31  
12/8 修学旅行(6年)
12/9 修学旅行(6年)

お知らせ Information



小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter


公開授業研究会 Open School Research Group
