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3年生理科『地面と太陽のようす』遮光板を通して見ると、太陽の位置や高さや形が鮮明に見えました。 かげと太陽の関係など、たくさん発見があったようです! ふたご座流星群もし良ければ、安全に気をつけて空をながめてみましょう♪ SDGs/手巻き寿司イラスト募集(12月13日)各クラスでは学習のまとめをしたり、テストをしたりしています。 6年生は総合的な学習の時間にSDGsをテーマに学習しています。 SDGsは誰一人取り残さない続可能な社会の実現を目指す世界共通の目標です。 2015年の国連サミットにおいて全ての加盟国が合意し、2030年を達成年限とし、17の目標と169のターゲットから構成されています。 6年生は17の目標を学習し、自分たちでできるSDGsを模索し、取り組みを進めています。あるクラスはペットボトルキャップを回収する取り組みをしています。 各家庭の協力もあり、かなりの数が集まったようです。 食育掲示板では、手巻き寿司のフィルムのイラスト募集が行われています。2月の給食メニューの手巻きずしのフィルムに池田市の児童・生徒が描いたイラストが採用されるみたいです。池田市で1人ということで、ハードルは高いですが、たくさんの児童が挑戦しているようです。 おすそわけ新鮮な野菜は美味しいようで、喜んで食べています♪ 鉄棒/リース(12月10日)ほとんどの子が逆上がりにチャレンジしています。 腕の力だけで、体を支える必要があり、逆さ感覚に恐怖心がある子もいます。 授業では、段階的に指導していますが、その時間だけでできるようになるのは難しいものです。 逆上がりの難しいところは、鉄棒と体が離れてしまうことです。 脇をしめ、腕を曲げ、あごをぐっとひくことで、鉄棒と体の距離が近くなります。 何度も練習し、ちょっとずつできる子が増えているようです。 1年生はアサガオのツルで作ったリースに飾り付けをしていました。 リボンや鈴などをつけて、カラフルなリースが掲示してあります。 お店で売っているようなリースばかりです。 3年生理科『地面と太陽のようす』今日の3年生理科は、いままで学習してきた太陽の位置の変化を利用した、日時計を作りました。これを考えた人はすごいな!と言いながら楽しそうに実験をしていました。 Thank you so much.arrive at 10:30. It will be a light day with the teachers checking the physical conditions of the students, reflecting on the trip, and looking at photos. After that, we will have lunch and you will be dismissed at 1:30. See you tomorrow. I am closing these updates with a message of peace from Pope John Paul II, in 1981. War is the work of man. War is destruction of human life. War is death. To remember the past is to commit oneself to the future. To remember Hiroshima is to abhor nuclear war. To remember Hiroshima is to commit oneself to peace. 10:30 a.m., 25 February 1981 -- 亮(ryo) Leaving Shin Osakashould get back to school in about 50 minutes. If the roads are bad, we will arrive in 60 minutes. We should arrive at Ikeda Elementary School between 6:45 and 6:55 Pm. We look forward to seeing you all soon. -- 亮(ryo) Thank You Ms Kanzakidays during the trip. When students felt a little ill due to motion sickness, or got bumps, bruises, or scratches, Ms Kanzaki was there to ease the physical and mental pain the students went through. Thank you so much -- 亮(ryo) Thank you for everything Mr Fukushimajust automatically get on trains, ride Shinkansens, eat the food given to them, borrow rooms for prayers, without thinking twice about these things. Mr Fukushima said that schools plan and make School Trip Reservation 12 to 18 months in advance. They need to do this very early to book buses, trains, restaurants, museums, and several other things that I can’t even imagine, so that everything works perfect like a well oiled machine. The logistics of it all is just amazing. Thank you Mr Fukushima. -- 亮(ryo) Thank you Mr Gen!Swimming Camps, Outdoor Education Camps, and 6th Grade School Trips several times a year. The has been doing this for over 30 years. His knowledge of the routes and activities make him a priceless asset to the city of Ikeda. He would take photographs of the students, but then suddenly appear a hundred meters ahead of us! I’m pretty sure there are three of him or he uses a Dokodemo Door. We relied on him not only for world class photographs, but for advice and help for the last 3 days. Thank you so much Photographer Gen. -- 亮(ryo) Scenes from the ShinkansenYamaguchi. The next station is Shin Kobe. -- 亮(ryo) Heading Homean hour bus ride from Hagi. We are now on the Sakura heading back to Osaka. Everyone seems to very tired and missing home. The students seem so much quieter on the Shinkansen than just 3 days ago. I’m sure all of the students are looking forward to a home cooked meal and a warm bath at home. I want to take this time to thank our fabulous bus drivers for driving us hundreds of kilometers and delivering us safely to our various destinations. Thank you so much. -- 亮(ryo) Ice Cream and History亮(ryo) Lunch time-- 亮(ryo) Artists worksThe following is Mr Gen’s beautifully written calligraphy of, “thanks”. -- 亮(ryo) Our Hagi Cupscups look wonderful. -- 亮(ryo) A bit of history about Hagi WaresTerumoto Mori for tea ceremonies and as gifts for his guests. Only royals were to use the finest wares. So, the local pottery makers made chips on the bottom of their wares to sell to merchants during the Edo period. The traditional continues today of chipping the base of the cup. In the photo, you can see such a chip. -- 亮(ryo) Group Work in Hagivisit historical landmarks and enjoy the beauty of the extremely well preserved town of Hagi. Hagi is also known for their citrus fruit so the students may purchase summer orange drinks and summer orange ice cream. -- 亮(ryo) Great Teacherslearn about in school. I was so impressed that the teachers could explained several memorials - the teachers do so much work before and during the trip to be able to teach the students in a safe and entertaining way. The teachers at Ikeda ES have planned and worked so much for this school trip. I am simply amazed as I just follow along. -- 亮(ryo) |
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