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Allow me time to explain the 4 different meals here.
Hindi meals have no beef or beef products.
Halal meals must have meat that is prepared a special way starting from the
slaughtering of the animal. But, it will never include any pork or pork
materials. As the restaurants cannot provide these special meats, the
Halal meals will be made with vegetables and seafood.
Vegetarian meals have no fish, meat, or products made of these things with
protein provided by beans and tofu.


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After a hearty breakfast, we will start our day.


Good Morning

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The students slept well and were quiet all night so everyone is rested for
a full day of activities.


Quiet as a Mouse

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After a long day, and a hot bath, all the students are fast asleep.
Here are some photos of the mens large bath and outdoor bath.


Bath Time

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While some take baths, others are waiting for their turn to shop or bath.


Dinners 2

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After dinner, students are going shopping and taking baths.
Hindi Meal
Muslim Meal

Bath and Shopping

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Students are kept in smaller group - some students are shopping while
others are taking a bath.
All the student are buying boxes of momiji manju - I hope the parents like



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The Umenoya Hotel provided wonderful meals for everyone. So many students
said the meal was delicious.
These are some photos of the meals provided.
Secular Meal
Vegetarian Meal

We have arrived in Yamaguchi

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After a long day in Hiroshima, we arrived in our hotel in
Yamaguchi(Yamaguchi City in Yamaguchi Prefecture). We could only enjoy the
views of the prefecture from the bus and tomorrow will be our first
opportunity to explore.

When we arrived at the hotel, we had some light rain (I’m the rainmaker,
sorry) so the arrival ceremony was a small one with only the class
representatives participating.


Goodbye Hiroshima

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After a full day of the wonderful Peace Park and Memorial Museum, we are
taking leave to head toward Yamaguchi.


Our day in Hiroshima

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A walk in the park

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Memorials in the Peace Park

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We are now exploring the Peace Park’s memorial sites dotted along the
park. We were very fortunate to have volunteer guides to teach us about
the important sites and as well the history of the park. Thank you so
much to all the wonderful Hiroshima volunteers.


Photos from the museum

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From the museum

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The Peace Memorial Museum

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After a very nice lunch, we visited the museum for an hour. There were many
powerful displays and exhibits explaining the immediate and long term
affects of the atomic bomb. The hand drawn pictures of from the survivors
were shocking and heartbreaking. One hour wasn’t enough, but it was an
important experience for all of the students.



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This is the lunch for everyone else


Lunch Time!

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Travelling from bus, to Shinkansen, to bus, then listening to a powerful
lecture, the students are very hungry as we have lunch at Aioi.
The restaurant was kind enough to provide a lunches for students that have
dietary restrictions. These are the lunches for the Muslim and Hindi

Lectures from two atomic bomb survivors

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We heard a lecture from an Atomic Bomb survivor, Ms Kono Kiyomi & Mr Mido
Yoshiyuki. They spoke about their amazing stories about their
heartbreaking stories of survival. It has been 77 years since the bombing
of Hiroshima so there are fewer and fewer survivors so this is an
extraordinary experience for all the students.


Peace Offering

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It looks like we have been fortunate to have no rain, and will continue
with our Hiroshima school trip as planned.
As we pray for peace, our thoughts will be for those who have suffered from
the affects of the typhoon 11.

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小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

たんぽぽだより Tanpopo Newsletter

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