

Shoin Shrine

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Our first stop for the day is Shoin Shrine (松陰神社, Shōin Jinja) which
enshrines Yoshida Shoin, an important figure from Hagi
<https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e6150.html> who inspired revolutionary ideas
during the twilight years of Japan's feudal age
<https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2128.html> (mid 1800s). Shoin advocated
learning from the west and the restoration of power to the emperor
<https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2135.html>, thereby openly challenging the
ruling shogunate <https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2128.html>. Although Shoin
did not live to see the Meiji Restoration
<https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2130.html> (1868), many of his students
were pioneers of the creation of modern Japan, and Shoin is regarded by
many as a patriot who sacrificed himself for the good of his country.


Breakfast Time

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Today, we our having our first and last breakfast with everyone together in
one room. As usual, the meals here are healthy and delicious. What a
wonderful way to start our final day.


Rise and Shine

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Today, we have woken to a beautiful party cloudy day, with highs expected
to be in the low 30s. It looks like it will rain later this evening in
Yamaguchi, but we will be all at home with our families by that time.

Today, will visit Shoin Shrine. The students will explore the historical
town of Hagi, we will have lunch, and then head home.


After Dinner

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After dinner, students have a bit of time before they go shopping or take a
bath so students are spending time playing cards, chatting, or getting
ready for tomorrow.


All together

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Tonight was the first time that all of us, the teachers, the students, all
had a meal together. Until now, we have been eating in different in rooms.
Although it was a little louder than usual, its nice to be together.


The Hagi Kanko Hotel

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We took a short walk from the pond to the lovely Hagi Kanko Hotel in Hagi,

Our rooms all are so nice and we have great views.

We are all very much looking forward to dinner.

The boys relaxing and the view from out rooms.

One Last Stop

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Before checking into our hotel, we make on last short hike around Myojin
Pond. The pond is connected to the Japan Sea so we can can interesting sea
creatures like stingrays, as well as fresh water fish.

But, the main attraction were the kites(the bird) which we fed sliced
bread. Some students actually fed them by hand.


Student Projects 3

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Student Projects 2

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Student projects 1

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Jozan Kogeikaikan

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We are at the Jozan Pottery Kiln.

We had a chance to view people using traditional methods to make and bake
pottery. This is a wood heated rising oven that goes up to 1200 degrees. We
also watched craftsmen make Hagi ware. Now, we are in the middle of
designing our own cups.


Scenes from the Meirinkan

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At our first stop, we have come to the Meirinkan. It is a historical school
founded in 1718. It is currently a school and a museum.



On the road to Hagi.

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We are currently on the road heading to Hagi, Yamaguchi. Hagi known for its
castle and its samurai era houses. Hagi is also famous for its Hagiyaki
pottery which rank as some of Japan’s finest. Here we will have the
opportunity to design our own tea cups.


Udon or Soba?

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Which fo you like?


Just a few more

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Almost Finished

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A few more

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More Photos

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Photos Akiyoshi Caves

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お知らせ Information



小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

たんぽぽだより Tanpopo Newsletter

公開授業研究会 Open School Research Group
