

Good night

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After teacher meetings about today and

about tomorrow, we are heading back to our

rooms to get some sleep. After a full day

of travel and swimming, all the children

must to so tired and sleepy.

The hotel is so quiet, you can hear a pin drop.

Until tomorrow morning, good night.

Waxing Cresent Moon

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The last of the fireworks under a smiling waxing crescent moon.

Fireworks for everyone

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Then we moved to individual fireworks,
In the background you can see the evening lights of the boats doing squid


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We started the night with a major firework show.

Let the night ceremonies begin

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Evening Time at the beach

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Sunset on Sunset Beach

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Dinner Time!

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We are all so hungry after 2 hours of swimming,
The students and staff will enjoy the lovely meal prepared for the

Great Job Everyone!

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Wow! The students really seem to enjoy swimming

in the ocean. They are swimming with confidence

and seem to be enjoying their time in the water.

We will be washing up and taking photos before

getting ready for a much deserved dinner.

Photo Time

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Today, the Omura photo staff is here taking memorable photos.

No breaks for Lifeguards

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The lifeguards were working non stop on the sun as we took breaks after
every 15 minute swimming period.

Seaside Swimming

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Before each 15 minute session, we have a teacher meeting about what we will
do for the next period.
1st period - get used to water by floating
2nd period - swim out to a deep point, up to the shoulders.
3rd period - practice swimming parallel with the beach.
4th period - swim in loops.
5th period - swim with another group in loops.

The lifeguards behind us in the ocean, always ready to go into action,

Getting Ready

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These are our lifesavers for the next 3 days,

To the beach

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We are fortunate to have clear skies and a lovely breeze on our way to the

Here We Go,

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Final lessons on life savers and name tags and directions on how and when
to swim in the ocean,

Lets Go!

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After lovely curry and rice lunch, we are off to the beach for the next two
hours. We will stretch, get used to the water, before finally swimming in
the ocean.

Lunch Time!

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Scenes from the Hotel entrance ceremony

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Arrived Safely

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Due to the heavy traffic in Osaka, we have arrived

20 minutes late. But, our fantastic bus drivers safely

delivered us to Yuhigaura Beach in Kyotango.

After checking in to our rooms, we will have lunch.

I’m sure everyone is very hungry after waking up

very early and taking a bus across across the

width of the country.

After lunch, we will go swimming in the sea.

Yuragawa Parking Area

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The highways in the city were quite busy, but now that we are away from the
big cities, the roads are clear and we have beautiful views of the
countryside. We are now at the Yuragawa Parking Area taking

a short break to stretch our legs and use the

restrooms. This is a quiet Parking Area with clean

air and clean restrooms.


After this stop, our next stop will be our hotel.

文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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9/13 修学旅行(6年)
9/14 修学旅行(6年)
9/15 修学旅行(6年)

お知らせ Information



小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

たんぽぽだより Tanpopo Newsletter

公開授業研究会 Open School Research Group
