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After two nights and three days, this is the end of our activities.
We will go back to our hotel, wash the sand off of our clothes, spin dry
out clothes, take baths, and eat lunch before getting on the bus.

More of the tide pools

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To the tide pools

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One half went in the shallows, and the other half went to the tide pools.
We will next go to the tide pools to discover tide pool life up close.

Life Savers

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Although we are in the shallows, the lifesavers are always on alert, ready
to jump on and help if needed. Although we take breaks every 20 minutes,
the life guards take no such breaks and wait for 2 hours in water.

Only one class was successful!

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All the classes tried very hard but found the group yelling directions
quite difficult.
Only class 6-3 successfully split the watermelon.

Enjoying the sea,

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Today, instead of swimming lengths to prepare for the challenge time, the
students are enjoying their time in the water as they run, and play in the
shallows of the beach.

Getting used to the water.

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We start off by getting in knee deep,
Then, we splash water on our arms, then shoulders, face, and back,
We sit down in the water and get used to the motion of the ocean.
Then we practice floating, and finally swimming.
Here from left to right are Vice Principal Uchimura, Photographer Mr Gen,
and Principal Saito watching over the students.

Checking the waters

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Before the students go into the water, the teacher walk in ti show the
depth of the ocean for the day. The teachers do this for every period of
This is the last time for this Seaside Swimming Camp.

The Event!

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Nothing says summer like watermelon and the watermelon splitting game!
Each class has a representative for their class be blindfolded and spun 5
Then the class cheers and yells the direction to go.

A surprise Event!

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To the beach 2

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To the beach

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Rise and Shine

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Good morning,
Today is the last day of three day trip.
After a successful Challenge Time, there seems to a sense of ease among the
students as they have completed what they have come for.
Today, we will have breakfast, then half of the students will enjoy time in
the water, other half will look for sea life in the whirlpools.

The campfire and evening sky

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Scenes from the Camp Fire

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On the beautiful beach, we had an evening campfire with several events.
The first event was where the goddess of fire gave fire to the students,
and they lit the campfire.
Afterwards, each class has performances to entertain the other classes.

Darma Sunset

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This is the beautiful sunset taken by Mr Gen from Omura Photo.
This sunset is not round but looks like it continues further down like a
Darma Doll.

Removing Sand

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After every swimming session, we finish the period with a short jump into
the ocean to remove any sand from our bodies and swim wear. I have never
seen or done this before, but I thought it was genius!

Challenge Completed!

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After successfully completing the Challenge Time, the local Character came
and greeted us and we took a photo with her. It’s a her as she has eggs.

Challenge Time Completed 1

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Scenes from Challenge Time 3

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文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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9/14 修学旅行(6年)
9/15 修学旅行(6年)

お知らせ Information



小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

たんぽぽだより Tanpopo Newsletter

公開授業研究会 Open School Research Group
