

The end of a long day

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?The day is winding down for all of the children - the group leaders are getting instructions for the evening and the morning to share with their roommates; the students in the rooms are writing reflections of their day.
After this very long day, I’m sure these accommodations will be very quiet tonight.
Good night, and see you tomorrow.

Campfire Activities

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After weeks of practicing and preparing, the 5th grade had their campfire activities. Each class performed dances so well that many the students that were watching stood up and danced along.
As the fire burned down, the students reflected on their day and gazed upon the star filled sky.

Dinner Time

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After hiking all day, everyone could barely wait for dinner.
Tonight classes 1 and 2 had a barbecue outside as classes 3 and 4 had sukiyaki indoors. To prepare for the barbecue, the teachers were preparing the barbecue pits an hour in advance.
Tonight, we sold out every piece of meat and every piece of vegetable so I think it went well. The students seemed to eat to their limit, but when it was time for the teachers to eat, the students wanted to have our BBQ too!

Getting ready for the evening.

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The students are bathing and giving their feet and legs a good bath, the adult are preparing for the barbecue and the evening fire.

Back at the Shirogane Hotel

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After a beautiful hike down the mountain and through beautiful forests and Daisen Shrine, we are back at the hotel.
A warm thanks to Mr Nagatsuma and Mr Yoshino for guiding us safely all day long. It is thanks to them that all of the students were able to successfully complete the hike.

Descending Now

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We are at the Moto Valley, currently at 1000 meters.

Heading Down

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After a lovely bento lunch, we heading down.

The Peak at last

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We all made it to the peak, safe and sound.
Now, we will all enjoy a much deserved lunch.

5th Break

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The weather is getting colder but most of the students seem to still have smiles on their. As we climb, the students are amazed that the clouds are so close and the view is so beautiful.
1600 meter.

Our 4th break

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We are taking our 4th break - we are at 1368 meters and have reached the 6th station. These breaks may seem like many, but they are perfectly timed for the students to take a drink and enjoy the views.

3rd break

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We are 1200 meters
Everyone is still doing well and still have smiles on their faces.
This is the view we are enjoying.

Our Second Break Point

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We have climbed to 1086 meters,
Everyone is doing well and have smiles on their faces.

Mt Daisen

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We are at the first break point,
We have climbed 18 minutes and climbed to 850 meters.

Group A is on our way.

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We have started our climb at 750 meters.
Beautiful blue skies and bright sun will help us up the
mountain. Some of the students seem a bit nervous,
but our guides are leading us at a very pace comfortable.

Good Morning

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Good morning.
All the students were extremely well behaved through
the night as they all slept quietly.
After the light showers yesterday, we have some perfect conditions
for hike. Today is the main event, the climb up Mt Daisen
which peak is at 1729m.
Along with 10 teachers, 2 veteran photographers,
and 3 nurse, we also have the expert guidance
of 3 local guides to take us up Mt Daisen.
They will be setting the perfect pace to get us
all to the top safely. Wish us luck.

Reflecting on the Day

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The students are now having room photos taken by the photographers and writing reflections on the day. What do you think they enjoyed most? What did they find most memorable? Maybe it was just being with their classmates.

Dinner and a Movie

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After a long day traveling from Osaka to Tottori, everyone was eager to have dinner. Classes 1 and 2 ate dinner indoors and were served hot sukiyaki. Each student had their own burner and could make their sukiyaki.
Classes 3 and 4 ate outdoors as all of three teachers barbecued vegetables and meats for the extremely hungry students. Ms Sai had shown her barbecue skills in full as she had the hottest fire and fed the most people. We need to hear what her secret is.
After dinner, we watched and informative video on Mt Daisen as well as heard about the does and don’t about hiking.
Attached are a few photos of dinner.

The Hotel Daisen Shirogane

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We arrived at last.
Our excellent drivers as well as the teachers perfectly executed plan
has got us to our destination - The Hotel Daisen Shirogane.
After our hotel entrance ceremony, we will check into our rooms,
take an early bath, and have dinner.


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Many of the students are sleepy from the lovely lunch as well as the walk at the Sand Dunes, so the bus ride was very quiet. We are now at the Hawai Roadside Station,
This is the last break before he arrive at the Hotel Daisen.

She sells sea shells by the seashore

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The students are collecting washed up seashells - some shell hunters have found some beautiful shells.
文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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10/11 自然学舎(5年)
10/12 自然学舎(5年)

お知らせ Information



小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

たんぽぽだより Tanpopo Newsletter

公開授業研究会 Open School Research Group
