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We are at the waters edge and most seem to like the waves more than the sand dunes. The strong ocean breeze, the never ending waves, the beauty of the sea, I can understand their fixation.

Sanin Kaigan National Park

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We are now at the Sand Dunes which are part
of the Sanin Kaigan National Park.
After sitting for a few hours and a hearty lunch,
many students are eager to run around and
enjoy the sand dunes firsthand. As this is a
national park, the children cannot draw in the
sand! They cannot draw pictures in the sand
or make sandcastles! Japan is so strict, but
the national parts are so beautiful.

On the lifts

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Half the students seemed to be extremely excited,
while the other half seemed to be extremely frightened.
But, once they sat and enjoyed the relaxing views, I think everyone enjoyed the experience.

Different but the same

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The Sand Dune Center has been extremely accommodating
with us, not only providing our meals 20 minutes earlier than
scheduled, they have provided different meals for
dietary needs. Can you figure out which is which?

Lunch at the Sand Dune Center

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Tottori Sand Dune Center
After our fantastic bus drivers safely delivered us to Tottori, we are finally having lunch at the Sand Dune Center. Many of the students are enjoying Beef Bowls. Those of us with other dietary requirements are having special meals.

The Tottori Sand Dunes

We have arrived 20 minutes early to the Tottori
Sand Dunes. This is due to the bus drivers great
driving as well as the children returning to the
bus at a timely manner. You can see what is
happening via the live camera feed at the link below.
After lunch, you will be able to see Ikesho students on the feed.

Awakura Land

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?Awakura Land
We are now off of the expressway and now at Awakurando Roadside Station. There is light rain but not enough for us to use our umbrellas. The children have been so well behaved, we are all so proud of each nd every student.
The students seem quite hungry, fortunately, lunch is just scheduled for our next stop.

The bus ride

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The students seem to enjoy the changing scenes out of the bus windows as well as just being together - the beauty of children.

Kasai Service Area

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After a pleasant hour on the bus, we are now at Kasai Service Area off of the Chugoku Expressway. The children seem so excited as they are speaking non stop. But it’s very good that they are in good spirits and nobody is suffering from motions sickness...yet.
After a short break, we will once again on the road again.

Scenes from the morning ceremony

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Good Morning

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Good morning!
Thank you so much for the very warm send off.
We are now on our way to Tottori.
My name is Ryota Amoh(an English teacher at Ikeda Elementary School) and I will be updating you with photos and brief summaries for the next three days. Please take a look at the website throughout these three days as I will be sending new information when I have a free minute or two.
Please stay tuned in.
文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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10/11 自然学舎(5年)
10/12 自然学舎(5年)

お知らせ Information



小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

たんぽぽだより Tanpopo Newsletter

公開授業研究会 Open School Research Group
