

Class 1 and 2

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These are some cups designed by classes 1 and 2.

Hagi Pottery

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We had a chance to view people using traditional methods to make pottery and bake pottery. This is a wood heated rising oven that goes up to 1200 degrees. We also watched craftsmen make Hagi ware. Now, we are in the middle of designing our own cups.


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At our first stop, we have come to the Meirinkan. It is a historical school founded in 1718. Several graduates have gone on to be politicians, military officers, and diplomats.

Yasutomiya Lunch - Burdock Udon

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After a long morning of hiking above and in Akiyoshidai, everyone was in need of a hearty lunch. Thankfully Yasutomiya provided the perfect meal - Warm udon with fried burdock.

Akiyoshidai Caves

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After exploring the fields of Akiyoshidai, we then dove into the rolling hills and explored the caves of Akiyoshi Caves
The running river, the cool damp air, the beauty that nature created over the millennia was beautiful. The 17 degree temperature in the caves was the perfect retreat from the 35 degree weather in Yamaguchi.


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A short hike

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We did a short hike to Mt Wakatake to enjoy a lovely outdoor view of the area. Not many places in Osaka have a 360˚ view of the landscape;
After this, we will go into the caves of Akiyoshidai


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Akiyoshidai Museum

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Today’s main event is Akiyoshi-dai in Yamaguchi.
We are now at Akiyoshidai Museum. We are learning about the nature and history of the area through a short movie and museum exhibits. The students are wide eyed as they watch the movie and they enjoy the exhibits.

Thank You Umenoya Onsen Hotel

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All the students were extremely well behaved last night as everyone was tired from a full day in Hiroshima. Of course, there were a few students that were homesick and wanted to see their parents. Fortunately, everyone felt better after sleeping and breakfast.  We just finished departing ceremony - the staff at the Umenoya was fantastic as they treated the children like adults but understanding that they are children. If you have a chance, we highly recommend staying  at the Umenoya Onsen Hotel. 山口県湯田温泉 旅館/ホテル梅乃屋【公式HP】umenoya.net
Now, we are heading to the limestone caves of Akiyoshidai. 

Good Moe

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Good morning! I hope everyone is having a great day. Last night the students were extremely well behaved and were well asleep by around ten. We are now having a hearty breakfast before start our adventures in Akiyoshidai.


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After Dinner

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These are some photos of the children in their rooms after dinner.
Some are showing off their souvenirs they just bought,
The other photos show the students working hard writing reflections on their exciting day,


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This evening, the Umenoya hotel a prepared a beautiful beef sukiyaki, a chicken sukiyaki, and tofu nabe to meet all of our needs. We were very happy to here that our dinner was prepared with lovely local Yamaguchi produce.

After dinner, the students will go shopping at the souvenir shop or enjoy a bath. We are hoping the students will go to sleep early tonight after a very long day.

We arrived in Yamaguchi

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After a long day in Hiroshima, we finally arrived at Umenoya Hotel in Yamaguchi(Yamaguchi City in Yamaguchi Prefecture). We could only enjoy the views of the prefecture from the bus and tomorrow will be our first opportunity to explore.
When we arrived at the hotel, we had an arrival ceremony with representatives making speeches and greeting.
We will check into our rooms and get ready for dinner.


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Really Great Students

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Today there are so many schools in Hiroshima from all over the country. I am so happy to see that our students are so well behaved - walking together, listening to the guides, and not complaining in this 36 degree heat. Please tell your children that they did so well when they get home.

Volunteer Guides Time!

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At this world heritage site the two most famous points are the Atomic Dome and the Peace Museum. We were surprised to find that there are 50 different memorials to Peace dotted around the park.
We were very fortunate to have volunteer guides to teach us about the important sites. Thank you so much to all the wonderful volunteers.
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12/6 マラソン大会

お知らせ Information





小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

たんぽぽだより Tanpopo Newsletter

公開授業研究会 Open School Research Group

