
Great Teacher

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As we walk around the shrine, I learned so many things about Yoshida Shoin
- he was extremely intelligent and was teaching by the age of 11, that he
realized that Nippon needed to learn from other countries, that he tried to
go overseas and was caught and arrested. I was so impressed that the
teachers could explained several memorials with ease and grace - the
teachers do so much work before and during the trip to be able to teach the
students in a safe and entertaining way. The teachers at Ikeda ES have
planned and worked so much for this school trip. I am simply amazed as I
just follow along.

文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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9/14 自然学舎保護者説明会(5年)

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