
Exploring Hagi

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The students are now exploring the town of Hagi in their groups. They will
visit historical landmarks and enjoy the beauty of the extremely well
preserved town of Hagi. Hagi is also known for their citrus fruit so the
students may purchase summer orange ice cream.

文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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9/14 自然学舎保護者説明会(5年)

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小中一貫 Ikeda Campus

池小だより School Newsletter

1学年だより 1st Grade Newsletter

2学年だより 2nd Grade Newsletter

3学年だより 3rd Grade Newsletter

4学年だより 4th Grade Newsletter

5学年だより 5th Grade Newsletter

6学年だより 6th Grade Newsletter

たんぽぽだより Tanpopo Newsletter
