
On the Shinkansen

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We have caught the 1:50 Shinkansen and we are now headed for Shin Osaka.
We are scheduled to arrive at 3:43.

We would like to take some time here to thank Mr Fukushima from Hokko
Tourist. Mr Fushima’s family has been serving Ikeda City for almost 80
years. The students just automatically get on buses, ride Shinkansens, eat
the food given to them, stay at hotels, borrow rooms for prayers, without
thinking twice about these things. It is thanks to Mr Fukushima’s hard
work. Mr Fukushima said that schools plan and make School Trip Reservation
12 months to 18 months in advance. They need to do this very early to book
buses, trains, restaurants, museums, for over groups of over 150 people.
This is a logistical nightmare, but he does these things as well as a dozen
other things that I can’t even imagine, just so that everything works
perfect like a well oiled machine. The logistics of it all is just amazing.

Thank you Mr Fukushima.

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