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Dear doctors,frontliners and all the peoples who gives an effort to fight this corona virus,
All of us owe you guys so much.Without you guys,this pandemic could get worse.You’re hardwork will be remembered forever.It’s really surprising to have pandemic as year starter in 2020.A year that suppose to be full of great technologys,beautiful holidays site and the start of a new era.And that’s when the Corona kicks in.
This pandemic still on going in 2021.It’s really a bummer to celebrate a new year like this.There’s too many new year events that have been cancelled.I hope all of us be patient and try our best not to make this corona get worse.
Let’s pray together for this Covid 19 will gone at least in this year.

文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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3/20 春分の日
3/24 修了式

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