

Hagi, Yamaguchi

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Hagi, Yamaguchi is known for its castle its samurai era houses. Hagi is
also famous for its Hagiyaki pottery which rank as some of Japan’s finest.
Here we had the opportunity to design our own tea cups.

After we handed our cups over to be baked, we visited the Hagi museum to
learn about the history of this interesting town.



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Today’s main event was Akiyoshi-dai in Yamaguchi.
We hiked to Mt Wakatake to enjoy a lovely outdoor view of the area.
We then dove into the rolling hills and explored the caves of Akiyoshi-dai.
These the running river, the cool damp air, the beauty that nature created
over the millennia was breaking. I hope the photos can do it justice.


Peace Memorial Park

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This world heritage site is famous for the Atomic Dome and the Peace
Museum. We were surprised to find that there are 50 different memorials to
Peace dotted around the park.
We were very fortunate to have volunteer guides to teach us about the
important sites.

文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
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9/16 修学旅行
9/17 修学旅行
9/21 敬老の日
9/22 秋分の日

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